Friday, July 13, 2012

Laura's Holiday Reads (2)

So I know I haven't said much these past two weeks, but it's been a really busy yet exciting holiday for me, and I've even managed to squeeze in a few books ;) Unfortunately I got the kindle app on my ipad set up, and so I've been reading a series that I don't think we have (I'll check when school opens) by Tom Holt.

Pictures above are in order, so start with The Portable Door and end with You Don't Have To Be Evil To Work Here But It Helps. I'm only starting the last one now, but the first three are a hilarious mix of sarcastic wit, science fiction and pure magic. You follow Paul Carpenter who is approximately 25 but has a mental maturity of about 10 as he applies for a job at the firm JW Wells & Co. Things get increasingly weird as nothing is what it seems at the firm, and both he and his coworker Sophie don't know what the firm actually does to earn money. As they slowly find out, goblins, sorcerers, cars that were once German women, dwarves, giants and modern day Excaliburs all feature in the series, and Paul is forced to save the world a number of times just to prolong the life of his true-love, Sophie. Holt's way of describing things is refreshing, original and downright clever - I've had to read a number of passages aloud to anyone within ten metres of where I was at the time. All in all, they get a little confusing at times but the prose flows effortlessly and you'll be sniggering your way through all of them.
On an unrelated note, I'm definitely going to try and get my way through at least two more of the library books I took out - and on top of that inform all of you of what I thought about them on Monday. Rain is perfect weather to curl up with a book, so enjoy the last weekend of the holidays while it lasts.

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